down and dirty home organizing

Photo by Jessica Tanck

together, we’ll re-think your spaces so they support you instead of stressing you out.

I believe in non-judgmental, collaborative organizing.

Organizing solutions look different for everyone, so my process is highly collaborative.

whether we’re meeting in-person or online, we’ll create systems and spaces that work for you.



organizing resourcefully: instead of buying more stuff to organize, let’s use what you already own!


helping kids organize their rooms (and strategies for the rest of the home)

long-term systems for staying organized with adhd

compassionate and patient organizing support after the loss of a loved one

“You know when you’re just about to lose a game of Tetris and you somehow manage to slide a long, skinny block into the right place to clear four lines?

Kris can do this for your life. In a session, she will bring you a potent combination of labor, get-er-done attitude, project management and therapy. You won’t feel crazy anymore. And suddenly the possibilities will be unlocked and laid out before you, clear as day. Breathe!”

-jake and melissa

“Kris has helped me feel more at ease in my home, and for the first time I have a sense of hope that my space can actually be one that works for me - for my individual habits and needs. I really appreciate how sensitive Kris is, by both recognizing the mental and emotional toll that less-than-functional, cluttered, and overwhelming living spaces can have on a person, and in the clearly non-judgmental, thoughtful approach that is taken every step of the way.

I would absolutely recommend Kris’ services to anyone looking for support and concrete solutions to the problem of clutter.”


“As an academic and certified pack rat with piles and piles of (often emotionally-laden!) paperwork and memorabilia, Kris’s compassion, insight, and professionalism made what seemed impossible feel doable again. Working with her made me feel like a superhero.”


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